What's happening at Fcco

For more info about any of our events, you can text or call (587) 844-2224

This week: Dec 1

Sunday Morning Prayer Time
Join us 9:00 Sunday mornings for a time of prayer before the service.
 We are  need to meet at the Loft for prayer time. We would love to pray for you and have you pray with us as we bring the needs and joys of our church family before the Lord. 
Youth Tuesday and Friday
YOUTH  BIBLE STUDY! Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 - 7:30 at the LOFT.
FRIDAY EVENT!! 7:00pm at the Loft
Men's  Wednesday Prayer
Men's Prayer is ON  on this week.   7-8:30pm
Please call or text 587-844-2224 for location or more information.
Ladies Thursday Bible Study 
6:00pm. Potluck and study at the Loft. We're studying the Psalms.
Breaking Bread Thursday
A new connect group is running Thursdays . If you want to connect with others through food and fellowship, please call or text 587-844-2224 for location or more information.

Coming Soon

Ugly Sweater Sunday - Dec 22
The last Sunday service before Christmas is our JOY celebration of Advent. Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater!! We will have prizes, children's performances, worship and laughs.
Christmas Eve Service - Dec 24
Join us at St. Peter's Anglican for our traditional outdoor service 5pm. 

Places to Connect!

Are you looking to meet with some people through the week? Check these out!

Guys Night

Are you a guy living in SOUTH CALGARY and looking for a place to connect? Try this out! Every Monday night a group of guys gets together to hang out. Contact Jason Van Hierden for more details and location.  (403) 894-4811 

Ladies Bible Study 

Thursdays 6:00pm -7:30pm join us for a potluck supper and  study through the scriptures.  For more information text or call 587-844-2224
Men's Prayer
Breaking Bread
Every other Wednesday 7-8:30pm.
Please call or text 587-844-2224 for information.
A new connect group started Thursdays. If you want to connect with others through food and fellowship, please call or text 587-844-2224 for location or more information.